Cheese Blintzes

A delicious blend of all natural ingredients wrapped in a light crepe. Great as a main dish, side dish, appetizer or tasty snack.


No Trans Fat
No Artificial Flavors

What Our Customers Have to Say...

9 reviews for Cheese Blintzes

  1. Sharon Russell

    These blintzes are delightful I would make these for my children years ago I’m so happy I found a good quality blintzes keep them coming

  2. Michele Vanarman

    After the local deli closed I thought Good store bought blintzes would not be found. Golden Products are delicious. So glad they are available through Giant Direct. Thanks to the Chef.

  3. Jancie W

    Love the cheese blintzes, easy and delicious! Our go to Sunday brunch. Thanks for such a consistently great product and getting them to Tucson, AZ. 😋

  4. M.S.

    I just wanted to send along a thank you for keeping up with the quality of the Cheese Blintzes that I have been enjoying for many years. I’ve been enjoying them for countless years with just a bit of grape jelly on them – euphoric at best!

  5. Linda Lyles

    Best Blintz EVER!!! No one carries them anywhere. I was buying a case or 2 at a time for 200$ but now I can’t even get them from the Food Service Company 🙁

    • oldfashionedkitchen

      We’re happy to hear that you love Golden Blintzes so much, Linda! One of our team members will be emailing you soon to help you locate them in your area.

  6. Bubba in CA

    Soooo fabulous after all these years!
    I am kvelling with joy at reuniting with my favorite Shabbos treat!

  7. Hanna Rojas

    The Golden cheese blintz are the best!!! Just enough sweetness in the cheese, which is pretty firm and not melting cheese inside. We have them for breakfast/brunch 3-4 times a week. The only things it’s hard to find. Really happy that you guys carry it in Publix. It used to be in Aldi seasonally as well but now it’s not there. Thank you for the great product!

  8. Gloria

    Where can I buy these in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
    They are the best of the best

    • oldfashionedkitchen

      Thank you, Gloria. A member of our team will reach out to help you find them in your area.

  9. Susan M

    Help! We love your Golden Cheese Blintzes! They make a wonderful, delicious, and nutritious meal for breakfast, lunch OR dinner. We bake them (so they are also low calorie) and serve them with side of plain yogurt and jam or applesauce. YUM!!! Sadly, we can’t seem to locate them in the stores near us. Could you please help us? We’re in the Washington DC area.

    • oldfashionedkitchen

      Thank you, Susan. A member of our team will reach out to help you find them in your area.

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